
New For Old Replacement Deal

21 July, 2024 Mal McCann


Little People Big Faith

7 July, 2024 Darren Dwyer


Serving Two Masters

30 June, 2024 Darren Dwyer

What did Jesus really mean when he said we cannot serve God and money? Do we serve money? Can it really have mastery over us? Join Darren as he explores what Jesus meant by this statement and why the answer is spiritual not financial.

(the Deuteronomy scripture that was quoted during the sermon was actually meant to be Leviticus 27:30).


Operation Restoration

23 June, 2024 Darren Dwyer


The Power of Prayer

16 June, 2024 Commissioner Miriam Gluyas


Integrity - Part 2 Let Your Yes Be Yes and Your No Be No

9 June, 2024 Darren Dwyer


Let your Yes be Yes and your No be No

2 June, 2024 Darren Dwyer

Jesus makes it pretty clear in his teaching about truthfulness and promise-making that there are no levels of truthfulness. Jesus simple states that your yes and your no should be uttered as if they are oaths made in the name of the God. Join Darren as he explores the implications of this radical teaching over the next few weeks.


Patient Endurance

26 May, 2024 Darren Dwyer

Join Darren as he speaks on James Chapter 5:7-11 and the importance of bearing up under pressure and being steadfast under fire which actually is the true meaning of the word patience. We all face dark and difficult seasons but Christians should not hibernate and give up, what ever the circumstances we should endure for the sake of Jesus.

There is a rather funny slip of the tongue in this sermon and if you can identify it a prize is on offer. Just write in with your answer and if you are right Darren will pay for two tickets to a newly released movie at any synagogue of your choice!!!!


United Pentecost Service - Gospel Freedom

19 May, 2024 Rev Josh Scherer
